ABIDE Scripture Memory System is an investment in your walk with Jesus.

Are you ready?

Scripture is God-breathed

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17


In Psalm 119:15, we are reminded to meditate on God’s words and to fix our eyes on His ways. What better way to meditate on His thoughts than to systematically hide His holy Scriptures in our heads and hearts? I have used a variation of this system for over a decade and greatly value how, when I find myself struggling with a particular sin or when I am counseling a hurting friend, the Holy Spirit faithfully calls to mind a particular Scripture that I have recently memorized. (Even now, in my 50’s, I am able to memorize Scripture by using this system!) God speaks to us through His Word, and the Holy Spirit helps us to remember those truths; committing them to memory is a fruitful way of spending our time. Using Abide for less than ten minutes a day, you can learn at least 52 new verses in a year. Abide is a proven system to prepare yourself to stand firm against Satan as you sharpen what Paul calls your only offensive weapon, the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17).  When you store God’s word in your heart, the Spirit will increasingly reveal Himself to you and you will be much less likely to believe lies or to sin against our holy God (Ps. 119:11).